
Volunteer Ministries
At St. Anthony we encourage active participation from all members of our parish–young and old. Our wide variety of ministry allows opportunities for everyone to be involved. We welcome all who come to celebrate with us. Please take the time to consider where your time and talents lie and how you can best share them with our community. For more information about these and any of the ministries at St. Anthony please call the parish office.
Outreach Ministries:
We have a variety of programs and ministries that provide important services to the community. A few examples of the types of services needed are: visiting the sick and home bound, visiting nursing homes, giving rides to church, Habitat for Humanity, Helping Hands work and many others. For more information on how you may help, or receive help, please contact us at the Parish office. We will be happy to place you in touch with the appropriate group.
Parish Community and Hospitality:
There are a constant number of needs that parish members can fulfill with their generous donation of their time and talents. Some of the items include: lawn work, raking, plant care, general cleaning, kitchen help, bake sale items, prayer chain callers, office help, bulk mailings, and many, many other activities. If you think you are interested in donating your time and talents, please contact the Parish office to find out which need(s) you can help with.
The Pastoral Council:
The Pastoral Council envisions the many ways of meeting the spiritual needs of the entire parish. The Pastoral Council meets once each month during the academic year. The Council is comprised of members of the permanent community that are selected for a three-year term.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Council is responsible for advising the Pastor on the overall financial health of the Parish and overseeing annual budget and the stewardship of treasure.
Liturgy Committee:
The Liturgy Committee’s function is to plan and prepare for the various liturgical seasons and Holy Days. The group meets four or five times throughout the year at the Pastor’s request.